Friday, March 17, 2006

Can you say "Total Hottness" ?

Today being St Patrick's Day and all, what better way to celebrate than with bagpipe music? I'm not sure, but I thought St Patrick drove the snakes from Ireland, not Scotland. Either way, I was totally pumped when I walked out of my poetry class on the 5th floor of the Catholic college on campus, and heard bagpipes and drums playing on the 1st floor. As I descended the stairs, I sniffed, and thought, "it smells like lovely bread is baking," then I realized that duh, it's St Patrick's Day, so they obviously have some beer-selling thing going on (colleges here are a lot more open about the amount of beer consumed by their students, and use it to their advantage, having beer tents and other events in which they make a lot of money for the school). I gleefully ran down the stairs to find four bagpipers and one drummer standing in a circle in the middle of the big common area near the stairs, playing to their hearts' content. I sat and listened for about half an hour as they played several songs I didn't know, and ended up with Scotland the Brave, naturally. All in all, an excellent way to spend a Friday afternoon.

Oh yeah, and I'm now partially deaf. Them bagpipes is loud!

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