Monday, June 12, 2006

Nothing New

Not much is going on in my life right now. Working, yes. Today I made a whopping $18, because business has slowed down so they can't afford to give anyone very many long shifts. On the other hand, working for three hours a day is kind of nice. Except that I don't have any other pressing activities to attend to during the other 21 hours of the day.

I met up with some friends tonight, though, and I looked very cute in this great skirt that I got for maybe $8 and pigtail braids that made me look either like Pippi Longstocking or like Anne of Green Gables or like Snoop Dogg. But Snoop Dogg wouldn't wear such a cute skirt. Anyway, through talking with various people, I learned of fun activities that go on around town, such as swing dancing at somebody's house every once in a while, and weekly indoor soccer at the church. Perhaps I'll become less hermit-like and check out those events. My plan, as you may have divined, is to make myself busy so I don't realize that I have nothing to do.

My plans for tomorrow? Finally tackle the pile of stuff that I had use for during the past year, but not anymore since I'm living in my parents' already-furnished house. Stuff like mixing bowls, and blankets, and twin sheets, a non-functional printer, and oh yeah, all of my favorite books that I brought up there with me that I now have no room for on my bookshelves because they're all filled up with the books that aren't my favorite favorites.

Between living a suddenly very sedentary lifestyle and eating not the best for me foods (and large quantities of them, since I don't have to pay for groceries anymore), I believe I'm ballooning up like, well, a balloon. Tonight I ate a cod filet and several mini mushroom quiches, a root beer float, and then some Pecan Pandoutie (panned-outie?) with ice cream, and the mix of it all is making me want desperately to vomit. Sugary pecan mash does not go well with mushroom quiche, I'd like you all to know. Beware the admixture of nuts and fungus!

Hopefully the effect will wear off before I wake up tomorrow and try to sort through boxes of stuff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
